mega macs 56 Bike
Automatic Setting of Measuring Ranges
If resistance is measured, then the measuring range cannot be set automatically.
Proceed as follows to set the measuring ranges for voltage, current, temperature,and pressure while measurement is
in progress:
1. Start Auto Set with
If the measurement signal changes during the ongoing measurement, the Auto Set function
correct the measuring range automatically. Start the Auto Set function to have the
measuring range adapted automatically.
The MT 56 analyzes the incoming signal once. The measuring range will be set automatically.
2. Go one step back with
Deactivating Automatic Measuring Range Adaptation for Resistance
As a standard feature, the measuring range for resistance measurements is adjusted automatically. This is realized
with the
Auto Range
function. Deactivate the
Auto Range
function in order to be able to configure the measuring
range manually.
Proceed as follows to deactivate
Auto Range
1. Call up Settings with
2. Select
3. Open the list under
Auto Range
4. Select
Auto Range
is deactivated.
5. Confirm the selection with
The selected measuring range will no longer be continuously adapted automatically. The measuring range can now
be set manually.
Configuring the Trigger
The signal pickup is realized in the trigger mode if the time axis in the oscilloscope is set <1.0 s.
The depiction of the signal is only triggered once the signal reaches a certain voltage point. As the device always fixes
the voltage point at the same position on the screen, it appears as a still image to the human eye. In most cases, the
default trigger settings are sufficient for expressive signal depiction. If the default trigger settings are insufficient,
however, the depiction can be influenced by certain trigger parameters:
Trigger mode
Trigger edge
Trigger level
Setting the Trigger Position
By adjusting the trigger position, you can shift the signal depiction to the left or to the right.
Proceed as follows to set the trigger position while measurement is in progress:
1. Open the trigger settings with
The bottom toolbar is adjusted. The trigger position is identified by a blue cross.