3. Troubleshooting
Most general case was digital CD playback function did not open. Because USB
audio is digital signal, it is use different path to process CD music with traditional
analog CD.
You should open “Device Manager”, select “DVD/CD ROM drives” and open it.
Then switch to “properties” page and enable digital CD audio.
4. When using software application program (Like: Media player, Winamp,
PowerDVD, WinDVD….) to playback any media files, can I plug out USB audio
device while playing?
It is incorrect mode of operations, because while application programs were
playing audio stream, windows system is stilling using audio device to process
and deliver data real-time. So, when user plug out USB audio device windows
system can not delivering audio data to the same device, so that system will be
confused and make application programs failure or system crash.
The right way to plug out USB Audio device was stop playback function first.
Especially when your Windows system was Win98SE or WinME, this corrected
operation will keep stability of working system. Otherwise, uncorrected plug out
will cause application program or system crash.
Do not plug out while application programs were playing media files. Please
stop playback before plug out USB audio device.