5.3. Operation of the stove depending on the air from the room:
The pellet stove has been tested as gas-tight according to the EN 14785 standard and can be operated with or
without external air supply (the stove then consumes air from the room). In this case, during the simultaneous
operation of the stove and the ventilation installation (e.g. controlled ventilation systems, hoods, etc.), the unit
must be protected against a drop in room air pressure (e.g. by a differential pressure switch). Furthermore, a
minimum of 20 m3/h of air must be supplied into the room.
Follow your local regulations and the advice of your chimney sweep.
5.3.1. Operation of the stove independent of the air from the room (RLU):
The required combustion air is supplied to the stove through sealed pipes from the outside or from an
approved chimney system (e. g. LAS system), then the stove does not draw air from the room where it is
installed. This allows the stove to be operated in low-energy or passive houses, or in houses equipped with
mechanical ventilation systems.
5.4. Outside air connection
We recommend using the outside air connection for the supply of combustion air in order not to use up the
valuable indoor air when heating.
• To do this, connect the air intake elbow located on the back to a hose or a similar, suitable air duct or to a
chimney system designed for this purpose. The diameter of the air duct must be at least the diameter of the
outdoor air connection on the stove.
• The end of the air duct must be located outside or in a well ventilated area (basement).
It is not recommended to feed the cold air into the room from outside via a direct duct, as this can lead to the
build-up of condensation.
• In order to guarantee a sufficient supply of air, the duct should not be longer than approx. 3 m and not have
too many bends.
• If the duct leads outside, it must end with a 90° bend facing down or a wind protection device (see Figure 3).