My Very First Games
This time the children have to use their powers of memory and their stacking skills to build
the tower from the largest to the smallest floor together. Then they'll have to place Rhino Hero
Junior on the topmost roof, without the tower collapsing.
Now We Can Begin!
Play goes in a clockwise direction. The oldest child goes first by turning over any roof card
they like.
Ask the child:
What do you see on the card now that you’ve turned
it over?
The next floor in the sequence?
(i.e. the lower color matches
the upper color of the current top floor, and the next number is
shown on it. At the beginning of the game, it will be the floor
showing the number 1)
Great! Stack the matching floor on top of the tower (or on the
building site at the beginning of the game) and place the roof
card on top of it with the roof side facing up. Stand Rhino Hero
Junior on the now placed roof card.
A different floor?
(i.e. the lower color does not match the
upper color of the current top floor and there is a different
number than the next one in the sequence)
A heroic effort, but nevermind! Return the roof card to
where it was, with the roof side facing up.
Baby Spider Monkey?
Oh dear! Now Baby Spider Monkey is in pursuit. Take Baby
Spider Monkey and put them on the roof card that is currently
on top. If there is no floor with a roof card on the building
site yet, Baby Spider Monkey will stay where they are. Return
the roof card to where it was, with the roof side facing up.
Now, the next player turns over a roof card of their choice.
In addition to correctly identifying the next floor in size and the correct sequence
of numbers, in this game the children also learn to remember the position of the
cards with Baby Spider Monkey, as well as practicing their tower stacking and
eyehand coordination skills.
The game ends
when either...
... the last floor and the last roof card have gone into place and Rhino Hero Junior is on top of
the high-rise, or if the tower collapses. If the tower has been completed, the players have won
together thanks to their joint effort.
... or if the tower collapsed, it’s okay! Just start over again. Everyone has learned a lesson, and
they will surely do better next time.