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. Instructions on Maintenance:
1. Replace the massage water pump: cut off power supply, open the bathtub side plate, drain empty the
SPA’s water, remove the wires and open the water pump, loosen the fixed bolts and take out the water
pump, after replacing the pump, install power wire, fix the bolts, put into small amount of water into the
bathtub, check if there’s leakage at the pump, and then install the side plate of the bathtub.
2. Replace the filter water pump: cut off power supply, open the bathtub side plate, turn off the valves on
both ends of water pump, remove the wires and open the water pump, loosen the fixed bolts and take out the
water pump, after replacing the pump, install power wire, fix the bolts, put into small amount of water into
the bathtub, turn on the valve, check if there’s leakage at the pump, and then install the side plate of the
3. Replace the thermostat: cut off power supply, open the bathtub side plate, turn off the valves on both ends
of thermostat, remove the wires, loosen the fixed bolts and take out the thermostat, after replacement, install
power wire, fix the bolts, put into small amount of water into the bathtub, turn on the valve, check if there’s
leakage at the pump, and then install the side plate of the bathtub.
4. Replace the filter core: cut off power supply, open the bathtub side plate, turn off the valves, loosen the
bolts on top of the filter, take out the filter, and remove dirt on bottom of the filter.
5. Anti-frozen of filter: In some area, water may be frozen in winter, under this case, please stop using filter,
to remove it and clean the core, store it in safe place or move the filter core to interior. Or keep the SPA at
standby state.
. Troubleshooting:
No reaction for panel
Panel was locked
Panel is broken
Unlock the panel
Change panel
No power supply
1. There’s problem for the power
2. Protective switch is cut off.
Check the circuit
Check and remove short circuit, connect
the protective switch
Nozzle doesn’t spray
1. There’s problem for power
supply of water pump;
2. Water pump is not started.
3. Massage water pump is
4. There is air in pipe
Check and connect the power wire;
Check the massage water pump
Replace the massage water pump
Purify pipe by taking the loose joint part
Underwater lamp
doesn’t light on
1. Bulb is damaged;
2. Fuse is broken.
Replace the bulb
Replace the fuse
Poor filtering effect
1. Filter water pump is not started;
2. Filter isn’t cleaned;
3. Filter water pump is damaged.
Start the filter water pump
Clean the filter
Replace the filter water pump
Constant temperature
effect is unavailable
1. Thermostat is damaged;
2. Power supply is unavailable.
3. Filter is jammed.
Repair or replace the thermostat
Check the power supply
Clean or replace the filter paper core
Bathtub is scratched
Grind with 2000# grinding paper with
water, and then polish with toothpaste
and soft fabric
NOTICE: the usage manual is only for reference, and all data subject to the actual product, any
update without notice.