Orrefors is a Swedish company that manufactures premium crystal glassware.
One of the goals of partnership between ASKO and Orrefors is to finally put an end to the myth that crystal glasses cannot be cleaned
in a dishwasher. While this is true for some dishwashers, crystal can certainly be washed in an ASKO.
The secret is the Crystal glass programme, which ensures that the water temperature increases gradually and is then maintained evenly,
with a difference of just ±1°C. Place your valuable crystal in the secure wine glass holders in the upper basket. From now on, it is safer
to wash your sensitive crystal glasses in an ASKO than by hand.
Orrefors recommends ASKO
Tested for thousands of cycles
To be sure that our Crystal Glass programme keeps what we promise we exposed
several Orrefors crystal glasses for extensive testing (according to standard test SS
EN 12875-12005). Our initial goal was to keep glass corrosion under level two on a
four-step assessment scale after 1000 cycles. But after 1000 cycles we decided to run
another 1000 cycles since we couldn´t find any glass corrosion. The same assessment
was made after 2000 cycles with the same result.