"DALI Gateway C00Cx2" software
Seite 122 von 130
Time for relative dimming
00:00:01 … 05:59:59
5 s
This parameter will set the relative time
increments (4-bit dimming). The time
entered defines the maximum duration for
the dimming across the entire brightness
range from 0 % to 100 % brightness.
Dimming response to a
brightness value
Jump to
This parameter determines whether a
brightness value received via the bus
(absolute dimming) will be instantly jumped
to or whether light intensity will dim to the
Time for absolute
dimming (0...100%)
00:00:01 … 23:59:59
5 s
This parameter will set the time for the
increments increments (1-byte dimming).
The time entered defines the maximum
duration for the dimming across the entire
brightness range from 0 % to 100 %
This parameter becomes visible only
when set to: “Dimming response to a
brightness value” = “Dim”.
Automatic shutoff when
falling below a specified
brightness ?
The automatic shutoff function for a group
can be activated. If activated, the DALI
devices of the group will shut off completely
as soon as a parameterized brightness has
been reached or under-run at the end of a
dimming operation and, if applicable, after
the delay time has lapsed.
Shutoff when brightness
value smaller
0.1 % … 100 %;
5 %
This parameter determines the brightness
to be reached or under-run at the end of a
dimming operation that will cause the group
to be switched off, if applicable, after the
delay time has lapsed.
The adjustable value is restricted by the
parameterized minimum and maximum
brightness. The standard setting will also
adapt accordingly.
If the shutoff brightness has been under-
run by a disable or forced-control
position function or a staircase pre-
warning function, the shutoff function will
not be executed.
This parameter becomes visible only if
the shutoff function has been enabled.