"DALI Gateway C00Cx2" software
Functional description
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Independent of the set scene priority with enabled scene memory function, no new scene values will
be stored for an assigned group if a disable or a forced-control position has been activated in this
At the end of a disable/forced-control position with “Tracked brightness value” setting selected: At the
end of the additional function the scene recall that was received during the forced function will not be
When set to “Higher priority”: A scene recall will not statically lock the secondary functions of a
group. The higher priority only defines that during the scene recall the scene brightness value will be
set and override the brightness value previously specified. After the recall of a scene it is possible to
have the scene brightness value subsequently be changed again by other functions of the Gateway
(e.g. while terminating an additional function or by switching or dimming).
Setting the ETS download behaviour for the scene function
During storage of a scene, the scene values are stored permanently in the device (cf. "Setting the
storage behaviour for scene functions"). To prevent the stored values from being replaced during ETS
programming of the application or parameters by the originally programmed scene switching states, the
DALI Gateway can inhibit the overwriting of scene values. As an alternative, the original values can be
reloaded into the device during each programming run of the ETS.
The ETS download behaviour can be separately configured for each scene.
Set the "Overwrite scene values during ETS download" parameter in the "Scenes - [x] scene name"
parameter node to "Yes".
During each ETS programming of the application or parameters, the scene values parameterized in
the ETS will be programmed into the Gateway. If applicable, the scene values stored in the device by
means of a memory function will be overwritten.
Set the "Overwrite scene values during ETS download" parameter in the "Scenes - [x] scene name"
parameter node to "No".
If applicable, the scene values stored in the device with a memory function will be maintained. If no
scene values have been stored, the switching scene brightness values last programmed in the ETS
remain valid.
When the Gateway is commissioned for the first time, this parameter should be set to "Yes" so that
the scenes are initialized with valid scene values.