"DALI Gateway C00Cx2" software
Functional description
Seite 85 von 130
Setting a scene recall delay for the scene function
Optionally, the evaluation of each scene recall can also be delayed. This allows, for example to have
dynamical scene sequences to be configured in combination with several actuators or Gateways with
cyclical scene telegrams.
The scene recall delay can be separately configured for each scene.
Set the "Delay scene recall ?" parameter in the "Scenes - [x] scene name" parameter node to "Yes".
Parameterizes the delay time.
The delay time is now activated. The delay affects only the scene recall of the relevant scene. The
delay time will be started on arrival of a recall telegram. The corresponding scene will be recalled
and set to the corresponding scene brightness value only after this time has elapsed.
Set the "Delay scene recall ?" parameter in the "Scenes - [x] scene name" parameter node to "No".
The delay time is now deactivated. A scene recall will be executed without delay immediately after
the reception of a scene recall telegram.
Each scene recall telegram will restart and then also retrigger the delay time. If a new scene recall
telegram is received while a delay is active (scene recall not yet executed), the old (and not yet
recalled scene) will be discarded and only the scene received last will be executed.
The scene recall delay has no influence on the storage of scene values. A scene memory telegram
within a scene recall terminates the delay time and thus the scene recall.
In case of bus or mains voltage failure all time functions will be stopped. That will abort all scene
recalls that are currently being delayed and causes a scene recall received shortly before a bus or
mains voltage failure to get lost if the corresponding delay time has not yet lapsed. Even if a higher-
priority function has been activated (e.g. manual control, forced-control position function, disable
function) a delayed scene recall for the relevant groups will be completely aborted.