VACUTRACE Vacuum Tube Curve Tracer
The VacuTrace is a unique piece of laboratory test equipment that converts your
analog oscilloscope into a full-features vacuum tube curve tracer. This powerful and
flexible combination accurately sweeps the characteristic curves of diodes, triode,
tetrodes, and pentodes in real-time. A special A/B comparison mode allows perfect
tube matching by overlapping both sets of curves. A digital readout displays plate
and grid bias voltages, cathode current, transconductance gain, and output
conductance (1/rp).
Plate Voltage
0V to 380V @200mA
Cathode Current
0mA to 100mA (200mA in 2A mode)
Grid Step Sizes
0.5V, 1V, 2V, 5V, 10V (8 steps) @5mA
Plate Power
20W peak
Screen Voltage
100V to 300V @25mA
0.1mA/V to 20.0mA/V
Output Conductance
0.001mA/V to 2.000mA/V (1000k to 500 ohm)
Basic Accuracy
2% voltage and current, 5% conductance
Output Signal Gains
Plate/Screen: 10mA/V
Grid: -50mV/V
Cathode: 40mV/mA
Intensity Modulation
5V TTL levels, low on, high off
Heater Supplies
6.3V @5 amp
5.0V @3 amp
Socket Adapter Cards
Dual Triodes: 8 and 9 pin
Pentodes: 8 pin (A and B)
Power: 5V Diodes and 2A3/300B
Blank: (wire up you own socket)
Input Voltage
120Vac or 240Vac, 50W
1 amp 5x20 slo-blo