1. Perform daily level checks, lubrication, and bolt and linkage inspections as required in this manual in sec-
tion seven on maintenance.
2. Every other season, drain the coolant from the engine and radiator. Probe the drain holes during draining
to ensure they are not clogged by sludge, scale, or other deposits. Fill the cooling system to the top with a
50/50 water/ antifreeze mixture. Run the engine to operating temperature and re-check the level.
3. Add a fuel stabilizer to the fuel and fill the tank.
4. Run the engine until it is at operating temperature, then drain the engine oil. Refill with fresh oil of recom-
mended weight and install a new lubricating oil filter element.
5. With the engine at normal operating temperature, cycle all hydraulic functions including the steering.
6. Release tension on all belts.
7. Use plastic bags and water resistant adhesive tape to seal the air intake opening, all exhaust manifold
openings, engine oil filter cap, hydraulic oil tank breather cap, and fuel tank caps.
8. Disconnect and remove batteries. Completely clean and charge the batteries. Coat the terminals with di-
electric grease and store the batteries in a cool, above freezing place.
9. Thoroughly clean the sprayer. Touch up any painted surfaces that are scratched or chipped. For touch up
paint recommendations contact the Hagie Manufacturing Customer Support Department.
10. Replace worn or missing decals. See Section 1 for proper location of warning decals and their correspond-
ing part number. Warning decals and all other Hagie decals are available through the Hagie Customer
Support Department.
11. Use a multi-purpose grease to coat exposed hydraulic cylinder rods.
12. To winterize the spray system, it is recommended that you use an environmentally safe type antifreeze
and water mixture that will give you adequate protection to minus 30 degrees below zero. Drain any re-
maining solution in the spray system and run the antifreeze mixture through the spray system until it
comes out all boom openings. Repeat the above process with both the foam marker and rinse systems.
13. Refer to the Raven manual for detailed information on storage procedures for the console and flow meters.
14. If the sprayer must be stored outside, cover it with a waterproof cover.
If antifreeze is added, make sure the engine is then run to
operating temperature to assure proper mixing of solution.
For replacement decals contact:
Hagie Manufacturing Company
721 Central Ave. West
Box 273
Clarion, IA 50525-0273
Ph. 1-800-247-4885