Vertex III and Transponder T3 manual v.1.5 eng
© 2007 Haglöf Sweden AB
BAF – Smallest Diameter
Working in dense forest with relaskopes or prism can sometimes offer difficulties
and accurate diameter estimation hard to make.
When using a relaskopic method to measure, an in-built BAF function
can be used for the Vertex III instrument to control the minimum diameter
for trees. The function is useful when some trees in an area are covered
by other, making the decision whether to include the tree or to exclude it
from the area difficult. By simply measuring the distance between the
tree and the plot centre, the Vertex III can calculate the minimum
diameter the tree should have in order to be included into the counting.
Basal Area Factors: 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (m2/ha)
or: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50 (ft2/acre)
Diameters in leaning terrain
The Vertex III can compensate the calculated minimum diameter
also when the terrain is leaning. Measure the angle from the tree to
the plot centre. Activate the distance measuring function by
pressing the DME key (left arrow key).
The horizontal distance and the calculated minimum diameter is
presented in the display.