Vertex III and Transponder T3 manual v.1.5 eng
© 2007 Haglöf Sweden AB
Vertex III
Functions and Construction
Congratulations to your choice of height measurer! The Vertex III is the
markets most modern instruments, carefully tested and approved to be
your reliable companion for years to come.
The Vertex III is primarily designed to measure the height of standing
objects, and most often trees. The instrument can also be used to
measure distance, horizontal distance, angle and inclination. The Vertex
instrument has with its ultrasonic measuring technique proved to be
especially useful in dense terrains with thick undergrowth, where
conventional methods such as measuring tapes, laser instruments and
mechanical height measurers are difficult to use.
To define a reference point in a secure and reliable way, the Vertex III
works with the transponder T3. The Vertex III communicates with the
transponder. This communication eliminates in an efficient way any mix-
ups of signals from other instruments or places (echoes). A measuring
operation will not in any significant way be disturbed by objects in
between the Vertex III and the Transponder T3. The reference point, i.e.
the T3, is used as a sight mark for height measuring and can be placed
at optional height, where visibility is the best in for example thick
vegetation. The reference point height is set in a special menu in the
Vertex instrument and automatically added to the measured height.
The Vertex III uses ultrasound to measure distances. Unlike for example
measuring tapes and laser instruments, ultrasound can be used also
when there is no free aim to the reference point. The ultrasound will not
pass through an obstacle, but looks for the shortest way around it.
Heights are calculated trigonometrically using the variables contained
when measuring angle and distance. The Vertex III automatically
assumes that the measuring object is perpendicularly positioned to the
With the Vertex III, an unlimited number of heights per object can be
measured. The instrument display can show the 4 lastly measured
heights per object at a time.
When using a relaskopic method to measure, an in-built BAF function
(Basal Area Factor) can be used for the Vertex III instrument to control
the minimum diameter for trees. The function is useful when some trees
in an area are covered by other, making the decision whether to include
the tree or to exclude it from the area difficult. By simply measuring the
distance between the tree and the plot centre, the Vertex III can calculate
the minimum diameter the tree should have in order to be included into
the counting.
Data can be sent through IR or and results can be stored and processed
in for example the Digitech Professional caliper, other PC or handheld