Scene Off Command
Once the Scenes have been sent, press the 0 (OFF) key to command the four units in t
When sending Scene Commands, the controller must be configured to allow Extended Code transmissions.
The Scene Commands always apply to a group of four consecutive units, which are units 1-
-8, 9 12, and 13-
must address the units accordingly so that the desired units fall into the appropriate lighting groups.
The actual Extended Code Scene commands use a "group reference" that matches that sent by a Leviton Wall-
Scene Controller set to the same address as the first unit in the lighting group. This allows wall mounted controllers to be
easily used for manual Scene selection.
A powerful feature of the Aegis 1000 is the ability to program
. A Button (also known as macro) is a number on the
specific to your home and lifestyle.
Using a button, you can activate several commands at once. You can personalize 16 buttons with descriptive names. Following
(Button 1):
turn off all lights
arm the security system in the Away mode
Go to Bed
(Button 2):
dim outdoor lights 20% to extend bulb life and reduce consumption
(Button 3):
dim the dining and living room lights
turn off all the bedroom lights
dim the den light
a preprogrammed button, from the top-
keypad. Select the button (macro) to be activated by using the arrow keys to scroll through a list of buttons, followed by ' # '.
For extra convenience, event buttons are automatically activated when you change security modes, or when security zones open
security system (such as turning off all lights and setting back the HVAC system). Door contacts and motion detectors can be
and low temperatures in special situations. Other appliances can be controlled by temperature as well -
or a ceiling fan.
The temperature menu is used to control Aegis Thermostats, Programmable Energy Saver Modules, and Temperature Sensors.