Event Log
The Event Log records the 50 most recent significant security system Events (happenings) and trouble conditions in the system.
When a new event occurs, the oldest one is lost.
The following Events, along with the time and date of their occurrence are recorded in the Event Log when they occur:
All Security system Armings and disarmings (Off, Day, Night, Away, and Vacation), and user name.
All zones bypassed or restored by the user, and user name.
Any zone automatically bypassed by the system.
Any zone tripped while the security system is armed.
Any trouble condition (zone, battery, fuse, AC power, or phone).
The restoration of any trouble condition (the trouble condition ceased to occur).
Any Remote Telephone Access, Remote Access Denied, or Remote PC Access.
Show Events
To view your event log, from the top-level display or from the main menu, press the 7 key, then enter your code. The arrow keys
may be used to scroll through the event log, starting with the most recent event.
Each event log entry displays the time and date on the top line and a description of the event on the bottom line:
7:15 PM 5/8
For trouble conditions, the event log will show the zone name or specific trouble condition and "TROUBLE":
10:59 AM 5/8
For trouble restorations, the event log will show the zone name or specific trouble condition and "TRBL RST":
11:57 AM 5/8
The system records each remote access. A remote phone access is when someone calls into the system from an outside phone
line. Remote phone access is also recorded if the system phones out in response to an alarm and the called party enters a code.
The event log displays the code used to access the system and "REM ACCESS":
12:05 PM 5/8
An event is logged after three unsuccessful attempts are made to log into the system from a remote phone, the Aegis 1000 will
lock out remote telephone access for 1 hour to discourage any further attempts to access the system -
Telephone Control
Local access of the system using an in-house telephone is not recorded.
The event log will also record each time the PC Access software is used to access the system. The event log displays the code
used to access the system and "PC ACCESS".