The function can work in any cooking zone.
The cooking zone returns to its original setting after 5 minutes.
If the original heat setting equals 0, it will return to 14 after 5
Flexible Area
This area can be used as a single zone or as
four independent zones,
accordingly to the cooking needs
Flexible area is made of 4 independent inductors that can be controlled separately two by two.
When working as a single zone, the part that is not covered by cookware is automatically switched
off after one minute.
To grant a correct heat distribution, the cookware should be correctly placed:
In any part of the flexible zone when the cookware is between 80 and 200mm.
In the big area when the cookware is bigger than 200mm.
As big zone
To activate the flexible area as a single big zone, simply press
the Flexible Area control.
The power setting works as any other normal area.
The power level is unique for all the flexible area and it can be selected just using a slider control
If the pot is moved from the front to the rear part (or vice versa), the flexible area detects
automatically the new position, keeping the same power.
To add a further pot, deactivate the Flexible area pressing the dedicated button, in order to detect the
As four independent zones
To use the flexible area as four different zones with two different power settings, do not activate the
Flexible Area control
Examples for good and bad pot placement
French Plaque
This area can set the power according to the position of the pot.
If the pot is on the bottom of flexible area, the power is set to Level 1.
If the pot is on the middle of flexible area, the power is set to Level 10.
If the pot is on the top of flexible area, the power is set to Level 14.