H-50.2 fall-arrest system assembly log
Information brochure · H-50.2 system components
V02R00 · 1134319 · 2022-11
H-50.2 fall-arrest system assembly log
Assembly company
Assembly supervisor:
The assembly supervisor is responsible for proper assembly of the access equipment and the
H-50.2 fall-arrest system.
The following check list must be completed in full in indelible and legible writing.
This check list is a component of assembly, and must be presented to the manufacturer or a
testing institution upon request.
Items to check after H-50.2 fall-arrest system assembly
Not OK
1. Load-bearing capacity of the substructure (e.g. access ladder) in ac-
cordance with specifications
2. Fall protection rail attached in the middle of the access ladder
3. Fall protection rail overhang at the top/bottom ladder rung min.
80 mm/max. 140 mm
4. Attachment interval of the Hailo H-50.2 fall protection rail to a Hailo
access ladder,
≤ 1,400
mm (= 5 rung intervals)
5. Attachment interval of the Hailo H-50.2 fall protection rail to an ac-
cess ladder already installed,
≤ 1,120
mm (= 4 rung intervals)
6. Installation of the rail connectors in accordance with the specifica-
tions; gap permitted between two fall protection rails in accordance
with specifications
7. Installation of the end stop at each entry and exit point in accordance
with specifications
8. Rails attached at the beginning and end of each respective ladder
9. Rails attached before and after each rail joint
10. Coupling for access aid in accordance with specifications (if installed)
11. Barrier for non-approved fall arresters in accordance with specifica-
tions (if installed)
12. Inspection of all screw connections.
Positioning/tightening torque in accordance with specifications