HR2000 Specifications
HR2000 High-Resolution Fiber Optic Spectrometer
HR2000 Specifications
The following sections provide specification information for the CCD detector in the HR2000, as well as the
HR2000 Spectrometer itself.
CCD Detector Specifications
Sony ILX511 linear silicon CCD array
No. of elements:
2048 pixels
Pixel size:
14 µm x 200 µm
Pixel well depth:
62,500 electrons
Signal-to-noise ratio:
250:1 (at full signal)
A/D resolution:
12 bit
Dark noise:
2.5 RMS counts
Corrected linearity:
HR2000 Spectrometer Specifications
148.6 mm x 104.8 mm x 45.1 mm
Weight: 570
Power consumption:
90 mA @ 5 VDC
Detector range:
200-1100 nm
13 gratings available
Entrance aperture:
5, 10, 25, 50, 100 or 200 µm wide slits or fiber (no slit)
Order-sorting filters:
Installed longpass and bandpass filters
Focal length:
f/4, 101 mm
Optical resolution:
Depends on grating and size of entrance aperture
Stray light:
<0.05% at 600 nm; <0.10% at 435 nm
Dynamic range:
2 x 10
(system); 2000:1 for a single scan
Fiber optic connector:
SMA 905 to single-strand optical fiber (0.22 NA)
Data transfer rate:
Full scans into memory every 13 milliseconds
Integration time:
3 milliseconds to 65 seconds
Operating systems:
Windows 98/Me/2000/XP when using the USB interface on desktop or
notebook PCs
Any 32-bit Windows operating system when using the serial port on
desktop or notebook PCs