Sharing Halo Sport 2
If you want to share Halo Sport 2 between multiple people, you can do so one of the following ways:
1. Each person can download the Halo Sport app to their own mobile device (i.e. iPhone or Android phone).
You can unpair and re-pair Halo Sport 2 between the two phones, depending on who is using the headset
(see ‘
Disconnecting a mobile device
2. Each person can make their own user account in the app, but share a single mobile device. After one
session is complete, the next person can log in to their own account on the same mobile device.
3. Within a single user account, there is an option to run two back-to-back Neuropriming sessions.
For teams or organizations interested in utilizing shared hardware, we also offer premium features for managing a
roster of individuals on a single device. For more details, contact Halo Neuroscience at to ask about creating an enterprise account.
Replacing the Primer band
Primer bands are designed to be long-lasting. However, like your running shoes or the padding in your bike helmet,
Primer bands can become physically worn out after extended use. When this happens, you may want to replace
your Primer band.
You can purchase more Primer bands from the Halo Neuroscience website at
Halo Neuroscience | 735 Market St, 4th floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 |