Instruction Manual HIPERDRIVE with EtherCAT
6 Jog function
6.1 Jog function with jog keys on the drive
Some versions of the drive have two integrated jog keys for running left and right.
These keys are always active when the drive is not connected to a control module.
When connected to a control module, they are active in the following states:
Not ready to Switch on
Ready to Switch on
Switch on inhibit
6.2 Jog function with jog keys in the HIPERDRIVE Hub
The two jog keys in the HIPERDRIVE Hub can always be used to run the drive
selected using the switch S3 (located in the middle between the two jog keys) and
independently of the PLC.
(“Jog -“) starts a jog step with the parameters from SDO #2090 (Jog 2), S5
+”) starts a jog step with the parameters from SDO #208F (Jog 1).
The parameters for the jog steps are set using values from the individual subindices:
SI 1 = increment and direction (default 1/16 rotation)
Jog key S4
(“Jog -“)
Jog key S5
(“Jog +“)
SI 2 = Sets the speed (r.p.m.) as a % of the max. value from SDO #208C
SI 3 = Sets the torque as a % of the nominal torque
If the key is released during the movement, the jog step still runs until it has been
completed. This makes it possible to run to a precisely defined angle. The run can be
aborted before it has been completed at any time by pressing both keys
simultaneously. A new jog step can then only be triggered when both keys have been
completely released.
If the key remains pressed after the jog step has been completed, it will be followed
by a manual run, which continues until the key is released or the end of the
positioning range has been reached. The parameter
“idle period for manual run”
(SDO #2091 on drive 1) is available in order to provide better control of the transition
to a manual run. The manual run begins once the set time, measured from the start of
the jog step, has expired.
A manual run can also be aborted by pressing both keys simultaneously.