PSx3xxDN Instruction Manual
(for example from jog key mode to positioning by bus) aborts a run in the other
operation mode.
The operator can adjust the number of increments for a single step via attr. 34. The
single step is being executed if one of the external keys is being pressed. If the
external key has been released before the end of the single step, it will be completed
nevertheless. If the external key stays pressed further on, after a short waiting time a
continuous manual run might join the single step under some circumstances. This
continuous manual run will run as long as the external key stays pressed. The
continuation of a single step with a manual run is always enabled if the CAN bus is
not active. If the CAN bus is active, additionnally to bit 5 of the control word also bit 3
(‘release for manual run in jog key mode’) has to be activated. If bit 3 is not set, each
pressing of the external key results in a single step, even if the key is pressed longer
than the duration of the single step.
The idle period before the drive switches into manual run is specified with attr. 35. In
manual run the drive runs maximum to the specified limit switch position (attr. 22
resp. 23).
If during an jog run both external keys are pressed, the run is aborted immediately. A
new jog run is only possible if both keys are released.
To prepare the function of the external keys, the corresponding key contact (pin 2 or 3
of the 4-pin plug) must be connected with +24V (pin 1). If the key signal is generated
by a voltage source which is galvanically separated from the internal voltage source
of the drive, GND (pin 4) must be connected.
Jog runs without external keys:
runs are also possible without external keys. For this purpose bit 8 (‘jog run to
larger values’) and bit 9 (‘jog run to smaller values’) are provided, these bits simulate
the pressing of the corresponding external keys.
Requirement: Bits 4 and 5 of the control word have to be reset.
h) Devices with optional holding brake
The device models PSx30xDN-14, PSx31xDN-14, PSx32xDN and PSx33xDN can be
supplied with an optional holding brake. This brake prevents the output shaft from
turning when the power supply to the motor is removed, or, if the motor holding torque
is too low, to a maximum of the level of the nominal torque. A small degree of rotation
always occurs at the output, i.e. the brake cannot be used to hold the drive at a
defined position (for this purpose where appropriate the holding torque might be
increased with the help of attr. 43 and attr. 153).
To release the brake when a run command is transmitted, these devices first wait for
a short time (by default 0.15 sec before beginning the run, attr. 146) and then run a
few increments against the actual direction of movement (number of increments: attr.
147). The brake is closing at the end of every run (by default 1 sec after the end of
the run, attr. 69). The advantage of this feature is, that in case of many subsequent
runs the brake has not to be released anew each time.
To adjust the position of the drive manually, it is first necessary to remove the rubber-
plug in the top cover (see drawings at the end of these instructions). Then release the
brake by pressing down and simultaneously turning using a hex wrench NW3
(PSx31xDN and PSx33xDN) or NW4 (PSx30xDN and PSx32xDN).