Settings with Windows Vista
Open „Sound“ from your control panel.
Select your sound card and then click „Confi gure“.
In the new menu, select „Stereo“, then click „Continue“.
Click „Next“. In the next window, click „Finish“.
Your sound settings are now optimised for this loudspea-
ker system.
If you could not place the loudspeaker at equal distances
from your head, as described above, you can now balan-
ce the volume between the two satellites.
To do this, click „Properties“ in the „Sound“ menu. In the
new window that opens, click the „Level“ tab and the
„Balance“ button.
You can individually control the level for the various
output channels here. Increase or decrease the level for
the right (R) and left (L) satellites as you need, then click
„OK“ to confi rm the entries.
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00057144bda.indd Abs3:11
17.03.2008 12:45:05 Uhr
17.03.2008 12:45:05 Uhr