CCD Data Acquisition Module C9266-03/C9266-04
4. Functions
The C9266-03/C9266-04 Data Acquisition Module has the following functions operable from
the C9266DCamAPL software.
1) Gain
Use to adjust the C9266-03/C9266-04 hardware gain in steps from 1 to 10. The
output data increases linearly with the gain setting value. Default value is “1”. A
conversion gain value (48.8e-/ADU typ.) described in "5.1 Specifications" is the value
in case of gain equal to "1".
2) Offset
Use to adjust the C9266-03/C9266-04 hardware offset in steps from 0 to 255. The
offset setting value is directly added to output data. It is directly added to output data
regardless of the gain setting value because the offset adjustment function is a
independent function. Default value is “10”.
3) Subarray binning setting
Use this function when you want to operate the CCD area image sensor in the
subarray mode (2 x2). In normal operation, the CCD sequentially outputs data from
all pixels. In subarray mode operation, the signal in each 2x2 pixel region is read out
as one pixel so the total amount of pixel data is reduced to 1/4th of that in the normal
operation. This subarray function reduces the amount of data and therefore boosts
the transfer speed. Please note however that image resolution is poor when the
subarray mode is used. Default value is “1x1”.
4) Selectable data acquisition modes
This function allows you to select the desired data acquisition mode. There are two
basic acquisition modes. One is Internal mode that acquires data with a trigger signal
from the application software. The other mode is External Trigger mode which
acquires data with a trigger signal from an external device. The External Trigger
mode is further subdivided into 3 data acquisition modes depending on the type of
external trigger signal input as explained below. The default mode is “EXT.LEVEL1”.
(1) Internal mode (“INT” mode)
Data is acquired at a trigger timing generated by the application software. Before
data acquisition, the CCD is repeatedly operated at the integration time specified
inside the module.
(2) External synchronous mode 1 (“EXT.EDGE1” mode)
Data is acquired in synchronization with an edge of an external trigger signal
pulse. The external trigger signal pulse is supplied from the CCD. Since this
external trigger pulse is generated in fixed intervals in synchronization with the
X-ray exposure time this mode is called the “Auto Trigger” mode. The CCC
performs a dummy scan until the input of an external trigger signal. Upon the
input of an external trigger pulse, the CCD carries out integration for a certain
integration period in synchronization with the falling edge (negative) and then
outputs the data. Similarly, this integration period can be set beforehand for the
Internal mode. The trigger signal edge polarity is negative.
(3) External synchronous mode 2 (“EXT.EDGE2” mode)
This mode is basically the same as the “EXT.EDGE1” mode. Data is acquired in
synchronization with an external trigger signal input via the BNC connector of the
C9266-03/C9266-04. The input signal level is H-CMOS compatible. The trigger
signal can be either a positive-going or negative-going pulse, selectable by the
Because there is not a BNC connector, this mode is not usable in the C9266-04.