Aim surround speakers straight across the room,
not down at viewers, to help create a more open,
spacious surround sound fi eld.
Alternative Surround Placement
Rear wall
If rear wall mounting is the only choice, aim the
speakers at each other (A), towards the front (B)
or towards the sidewalls (C, D). Experiment with
placement until sounds seem to surround you,
rather than come from behind you.
No adjacent walls
Surround speakers can go on stands facing each
other to approximate sidewall mounting (A), or
to the sides or rear of the viewing area, aimed
upwards; they can go right on the fl oor, or
preferably, a few feet off the fl oor such as on end
tables (B).
Front Surround Mode Speaker Placement
Confi guration 1
Follow the suggestion for speaker placement on
page 9 and 10.
Confi guration 2
If placing the rear speakers (surround speakers) at
the back is not a good choice for you, you can
use the Front Surround sound Effect(FSsE). Follow
the following instruction for setting the speakers
and the setup menu of the Player.
1. Setting the Speakers
Mounting the Speakers
1. Place the front speaker upside down.
2. Slide in the hinge to the bottom of the front
speaker until the ‘click’ sound is heard.
3. Slide in the rear speaker to the hinge until the
‘click’ sound is heard.
4. Attach the four rubber feet provided to the
top of the front speaker.
Match the front left and rear left
speakers together and match the front right
and rear right speakers together.
Adjusting the Angle of the Speakers
To achieve the best Front Surround sound Effect
(FSsE), adjust the mounted front left and the rear
left speakers to the left for an angle of 25o - 45o
from the center.
Adjust the mounted front right and rear right
speakers to the right in the same way.
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06.08.2007 16:07:52 Uhr
06.08.2007 16:07:52 Uhr