Ultra PicoKeyer
27 January 2017 (Firmware V2.2)
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We’re almost there! Find the PicoKeyer chip and remove it from its
protective anti-static foam. Locate the Pin 1 end – this end will be
marked with a molded notch and/or a dot. If you hold the chip so
you can read the markings on top, Pin 1 is toward your left.
Orientation is important here! Insert the chip into the socket so that
the notch and/or dot on the chip are on the same end as the notch in
the socket and the notch outline on the PCB – the end closest to the
SPEED potentiometer.
Now locate the battery and remove it from its protective packaging.
Note that the flat side is marked with a plus sign (+). This side will
when the battery is inserted into the battery holder. Slide the
battery into the battery holder. If you have done everything right,
you should hear the keyer send “73” in Morse code through the
speaker. Congratulations! Your kit is complete.
Now is a good time to mount your keyer in the cabinet. The board is
supported in the cabinet by the jacks and speed control shaft. You
may need to trim the pins sticking through the bottom of the board to
get things to fit right. Take your time and pay attention to getting
everything lined up properly before closing up the box. You may
need to trim the cut-off component leads a little closer to the board to
get everything to fit right.