C) Remove, Unmount and Remount the NetDisk drive
1. To remove NetDisk, please click “Safely Remove Hardware” icon
on system tray to pop up a menu, then click on “Safely remove NDAS
SCSI Controller…”
2. To unmount NetDisk before changing Read or Write access. Select the
NetDisk, and click Unmount in the NDAS Device Management menu
3. To mount NetDisk with different Read or Write access. Select the
NetDisk, and click the desired mount access (Read Only or Read/Write)
D) Write Access
In a network environment where only Windows 2000 or XP computers need
to access and share NetDisk, every computer can be assigned or mounted
with Read/Write access permission and all computers are able to read and
write to the NetDisk simultaneously.
However, in a network environment with all Macintosh or mix of Widows PC
and Macintosh sharing the NetDisk,
to prevent data corrupt
in NetDisk, it
is very critical to remember, all Windows PC computers can mount NetDisk
with Read/Write permission and all Macintosh computers mount NetDisk
with Read-Only. If one of the Macintosh computer needs to mount as
Read/Write to the NetDisk, please re-mount all the other computers (both
PC and Mac) as Read-Only first, and mount the Macintosh computer as