Semmelweis Scanner – User Guide v22.03
impact the scan result.
7.2.6. How frequently can the Semmelweis Scanner be used?
The UV dye can accumulate on the skin and produce fluorescent signal up to 48 hours
(depending on the frequency of hand washing). Before repeated usage of the Product test your
hands for remaining fluorescence. We recommend at least 5 regular soap & water hand washes
between two measurements, or 24 passed hours.
7.2.7. Jewellery and watches
According to the current clinical protocols, no jewellery can be worn by healthcare employees
(the only exception found in some institutions is the wedding ring). Proper disinfection under
rings cannot be achieved without removing them. (
Trick, William E., et al. „Impact of Ring
Wearing on Hand Contamination and Comparison of Hand Hygiene Agents in a Hospital.”
Clinical infectious diseases 36.11 (2003): 1383-1390.
7.2.8. Using sunscreens
Do not apply sunscreens and photoprotective lotions before using the Semmelweis Scanner.
The sunscreen absorbs the UV-A light used by the scanner.