Version
1.0
5.5.7
Screen
Saver
To
control
what
happens
when
the
phone
is
docked
and/or
sleeping.
You
can
set
clock,
colors,
and
photo
frame
or
photo
table
as
daydream.
Using
menu
you
can
specify
when
to
daydream
(while
docked,
while
charging
or
either.
5.5.8
Ambient
Display
Tablet
screen
wakes
up
when
Notification
arrives.
5.5.9
Device
theme
Select
the
Device
theme
as
Automatic
(Based
on
wallpaper)
or
Light
and
Dark
Device
theme.
5.5.10
Touch
Mode
Select
the
Touch
Modes
as
Hand/Rain
or
Glove/Pen
Mode.