Operation of the Actilino
Page 50
dot (F)irmness
While reading text, it can be helpful to adjust the dot pressure of the Braille pins to your
individual needs. You can choose between the three settings
”, “
” and ”
”. The default setting is ”
Experienced Braille readers often read the Braille cells with a light touch. Here we
recommend using the setting “
”. This setting also improves the detection of the reading
position by ATC.
You can also adjust the dot firmness within the setting dialog of the Handy Tech Braille driver
(see chapter 8.5). Please be aware, that the settings are saved on the device, not on the
atc s(E)nsitivity
When using ATC, we recommend adjusting the ATC sensitivity to your individual needs.
You can choose a value between 1 and 7. The standard setting is “7”.
Note: If the automatic scrolling via ATC is not working properly, we ask you to adjust the
ATC sensitivity.
With the option standby, you can set the time delay for the activation of the sleep mode.
This will save battery life and lower power consumption. If you switch it off, the Actilino will
not shut down. For activated standby you can choose a delay of 15, 30, 45 or 60 minutes. If
you do not work with the Actilino or press any button, the Actilino will automatically switch
off. When you press any button in standby the Actilino wakes up and you can continue to
work. No data will be lost when the sleep mode becomes active. The default setting is 15
Hereby you have the possibility to change quickly between different system languages
without having to upload the firmware again. In addition to the menu language, the keyboard
layout and - if available - the Braille table will be switched automatically. For some
languages, however, only English is available as menu language (marker: Engl).
If you happen to choose a foreign language which you cannot understand, you can change
the language by pressing and holding a letter for 20 seconds while switching the device on:
d for German, e for English, u for US English, n for Norwegian, s for Swedish and f for
Mass storage
If this checkbox is checked, you can access the Actilino directly from your computer. Hereby,
the Actilino is identified as an externally connected drive from your computer. You can,
delete, rename or move files using the Windows Explorer or exchange files between the
Actilino and the computer. Please be aware that data which was not transferred to the
Actilino via HTCom, may not be readable by Actilino.
Note: If you have changed this option, the change will not be active after quitting the
menu but after switching the Actilino off and back on again. Please be aware that
you should not change or delete the data in the folder HTSYS as we cannot guarantee for
the functioning of the Actilino if you do.