Mera ELB Eco 24V DC New Model
Information for the new features:
The Hannl Mera ELB Eco 24V DC as upgrade from a Limited Autom. 24V DC or from a rebuilding
of a Mera ELB Eco 24V DC have a new controlling which makes it possible to have more control
for the customer about the machine.
The usual optics and the easy handling is still present.
The new version you can recognise on the silver power button (old: black powerbutton).
New functions:
Put cleaning fluid on your record in the program „LEFT“ and „RIGHT“:
Now it it possible to applicate cleaning fluid directly from the program „
“ and
with the
. Until now in the old version you only have only
the possibillity to chose the direction of the turntable and then go into the program
to drop cleaning fluid.
Set the output of the pump:
With the actual version you can set global the output of the pump. For this choose the
and turn the
. To set the output higher turn the
to the right in the clockwise rotation. To set the output lower turn the
to the left in the clockwise rotation. This gives every customer the
chance to set the machine individual.
After you have set the output test it with the brusharm. If it is correct you are finished,
otherwise you must set it again until you have found the wished output.