Tinnitus masker
The Tinnitus Balance noise generator is a
broadband sound Generator which may have
been enabled in your hearing aid. It provides a
means of sound enrichment that can be used
as part of a personalized tinnitus management
program to provide temporary relief from
tinnitus. It should always be used as prescribed
by your audiologist.
The underlying principle of sound enrichment
is to provide supplementary noise stimulation
which can help defocus your attention from
your tinnitus and avoid negative reactions.
Sound enrichment, coupled with instructional
counseling, is an established approach to
managing tinnitus.
Good health practice requires that a person
reporting tinnitus have a medical evaluation by
a licensed ear physician before using a sound
generator. The purpose of such an evaluation
is to ensure medically treatable conditions
The immunity of these hearing aids is at least
M4. The equipment performance measurements,
categories and system classifications are based
upon the best information available but cannot
guarantee that all users will be satisfied.
The performance of the individual hearing
aids may vary with individual mobile phones.
Therefore, please try these hearing aids with
your mobile phone or, if you are purchasing a
new phone, please be sure to try it with your
hearing aids prior to purchase.