Feeding computer
Logiciel d
Hanskamp AgroTech B.V. (The Netherlands)
Explanation of the feeding principle
Spider ensures a proper distribution of feed throughout the day and monitors the amounts of feed supplied per visit.
The amount the cow saves up is available to her throughout the day. The minimum saving amount is adjustable to
prevent an animal from getting an infinite chunk.
The animal continues to save from the last visit to the feed station instead of from the start of the day. This prevents
extra crowds around the feeding station.
0. Normal visit
animal is eating saved feed amount
1. Not enough saved
animal will not be fed
2. Animal is eating part of the saved feed amount
3. More has been saved than may be eaten per visit. Animal is eating maximum feed amount
4. Normal visit
animal is eating saved feed amount
5. Animal has not visited the feeding station for a long time and has reached the maximum savings amount
she is
eating the maximum feed amount per visit
6. No permission to feed
as she has eaten the maximum feed amount during the previous visit there must be a two
hour time difference inbetween visits
7. Normal visit
animal is eating maximum feed amount per visit
8. Normal visit
animal is eating saved feed amount
9. Normal visit
animal is eating saved feed amount
MaxB = max amount per visit (40% of 3kg = adjustable)
MaxS = max savings amount (60% = adjustable)
MinS = min savings amount (10% = adjustable)
Sv = savings loss *1
*1 this amount will be deducted from the daily dose because the animal has not visited
Prevention of overfeeding:
A cow may only eat the saved amount of concentrate. If this saved amount of concentrate is higher than the limit per
visit, it will be adjusted to this limit. When an animal re
registers, it will not be fed if it has already received more than
90% of the total visit amount in the previous 2 hours.
Milking parlour:
No higher amount than the visiting amount can be fed within a time frame of 4 hours. The visiting
amount in a parlour is the total amount for the parlour/number of milkings. If the parlour is combined
with feeding stations, the cows will not receive feed in the feeding station for an adjustable time after
Feed type 1
No feed dosage
24 hours