Recog delay:
there are three levels for recognition time delay: short, middle,
long. Select “Short”, the recognition delay will be short; select “Long”, the
recognition delay time will get longer.
Line thickness:
there are three options for the line thickness: thin, normal,
thick. That function can’t be used in remarks and notes.
Sleep Settings
“Yes”, the system will sleep after 3 seconds if there isn’t any
operation on the device, the LED indicator will turn off; select “No”, the system
won’t sleep, and the LED indicator will always light. The system won’t sleep in
these two options: “Music” and “Voice Book”.
Sleep Delay:
There are three levels can be selected: short, middle, long.
Select “short”, the system will get into sleeping mode quickly; select “long”, the
system will get into sleeping mode slowly.
Recent Files
Select “Record”:
Save the reading records.
Select “Not Recorded”:
The system will not save the reading records.
Clean up:
The recent reading records will clean up.
Key tone
Select “on” or “off” to turn on or off key-press/pen-touch sound.
Reading Voice
There are some options for reading voice, such as male voice and female