First there is a flashing Bluetooth icon in the centre of the left panel, and then when BP
discovered your BraillePen, it will put the MAC address in the left
you can then click Connect.
On the right side of the window is a display space to list the key mappings as you build them up.
Under that display space is a pair of buttons: Add keystroke and Erase keystroke.
First there is a flashing Bluetooth icon in the centre of the left panel, and then when BP
discovered your BraillePen, it will put the MAC address in the left-hand side of the window, and
On the right side of the window is a display space to list the key mappings as you build them up.
space is a pair of buttons: Add keystroke and Erase keystroke.
First there is a flashing Bluetooth icon in the centre of the left panel, and then when BPConfig has
hand side of the window, and
On the right side of the window is a display space to list the key mappings as you build them up.
space is a pair of buttons: Add keystroke and Erase keystroke.