Crib rails are raised and lowered with a Johns Hopkins Handle.
The side rail or end rails have “trigger” mechanisms that must lock into place to hold up the
rail safely. The red tips of the triggers must be securely seated in the notches of the slide
rods on both ends, and you should barely be able to see the red tip if at all. Grasp the rail
and tug to be certain the rail is in place
rmly and properly.
**If the trigger mechanism for the side rail fails to lock into place
properly, remove the crib from service until the mechanism can be
To prolong the life of the trigger assembly in the side rail, continue to squeeze the
trigger mechansim as you lower the rail to the desired height and not release until that time.
Letting the red tips of the trigger mechanism drag up and down the slide rods by releasing
the trigger mechanism too early will cause the trigger assembly to wear prematurely and