Installation and Connections
Signature 1.5
speaker cable. Many brands of cable are available, and
the choice of cable may be influenced by the distance
between your speakers and the amplifier, the type of
speakers you use, personal preferences and other factors.
Your dealer or installer is a valuable resource to consult in
selecting a proper cable for connections between your
amplifier and speakers.
Regardless of the brand or type of cable selected, we
recommend that you use a cable constructed of high-
strand-count copper with a gauge of 14 or smaller. When
specifying cable, remember that the smaller the number,
the thicker the cable.
Cable with a gauge of 16 may be used for short runs of
less than ten feet. We do not recommend the use of
cables with an AWG equivalent of 18 or higher due to
the power loss and degradation in performance that will
Cables run inside walls should have the appropriate
markings to indicate listing with UL (“CL-2/CL-3”), CSA
(“FT-4”) or appropriate safety agency standards that may
be required in your area. Questions about running cables
inside walls should be referred to your installer or a
licensed electrical contractor who is familiar with the
NEC and/or the applicable building or electrical codes in
your area.
Two-Channel/Stereo Systems:
When installing a two-
channel (stereo) system, connect the positive (
) and
negative (
) terminals from the right and left speakers
to the matching terminals
¡ ¢
on the rear panel of the
1.5. Make certain that the
Bridge/Normal Switch
in the NORMAL position (see page 8). When the 1.5 is
used for two-channel/stereo operation, speakers with an
impedance of no less than 4 ohms may be used.
Bridged Mono Applications:
To use the 1.5 as a single-
channel, mono amplifier, connect the (
) terminal on
your speaker to the (
) terminal on the
Channel Two
on the 1.5. Connect the negative (
) terminal
on your speaker to the positive (
) terminal on the
Channel One Output
(see page 9).
For mono applications, no connections are made to
the negative (
) speaker output terminals on the 1.5.
Make certain that the
Bridge/Normal Switch
is in the
BRIDGE position (see page 9).
Important Note:
When the 1.5 is used in the Bridged
Mono mode, do not use speakers with an impedance of
less than 8 ohms.
When making speaker connections, note that one con-
ductor of the speaker cable may have no markings or an
indication of (
) for negative polarity, and the other will
have a red line, brand-name markings, a colored thread
or some other positive-polarity indication (
The wire with the positive indication should be con-
nected to the red terminals on both the 1.5 and your
speakers. The negative wire should be connected to the
black terminal on the 1.5 and the speakers.
If bare wire is used for connections, strip approximately
(20 mm) of insulation from the end of each wire and
carefully twist the strands of each conductor together. Be
careful not to cut the individual strands or twist them
off; for optimal performance, all strands must be used.
Next, loosen the knobs of the speaker output terminals
far enough so that the cap moves back on its threads past
the holes at the rear of the terminal. Making certain that
you observe the correct polarity for the type of system
being installed (Stereo or Bridged Mono), pass the
exposed wire through the hole until the wire is visible
from the bottom end. Holding the wire in place, twist
the cap back so that the connection is secured. Do not
overtighten or use tools, as this may damage the plastic
terminal cap or break the delicate wire strands and
decrease system performance.
Important Note:
When making speaker wire connec-
tions, be certain that none of the strands from one lead
touch any other lead. This will cause a short circuit and
may damage your amplifier or speakers. Damage from
short circuits caused in this manner is not covered by the
product warranty.
Connections may also be made using spade lugs or stan-
dard 4 mm OD banana plugs. Before using a banana-type
jack, make certain that the plastic screw caps on the 1.5
are firmly tightened by turning them clockwise until they
are snug against the chassis. This will ensure that the
maximum surface area of the plug is in contact with the
jack. Once the wire has been attached to the banana
plug following the plug manufacturer’s instructions,
Sig 1.5 om (b) 9/17/98 10:33 AM Page 7