6 Pinnacle Stair Lift manual | | www.Harmar.com | 866-351-2776
table of Contents
Step 7:
Install rail brackets by loosening the screws and snapping each bracket edge into the slot, or slide the
brackets on from the top of the rail.
Step 8:
For double rails, the first rail bracket should be tightened in place
so when turned over the back of the bracket touches the rear of
the first step from the bottom landing. The second and third brackets should
be placed and tightened on the steps on each side of the rail joint, again so
the back of the bracket touches the rear of the step. The fourth and final
bracket should be placed on the last step before the top landing, again
tightening it so it touches the front of the rear of the last step.
Tighten the first rail bracket in place so when turned over the back of the
bracket touches the rear of the first step from the bottom landing. Place the
other rail on the last step before the top landing, again tightening it so it
touches the rear of the last step.
Step 9:
Turn the rail right side up (plastic side facing up).
Step 10:
Measure any obstruction from the wall (this may include handrails,
molding, light switches, etc.) and adjust the edge of the brackets an equal distance
from the wall.
installation Procedures