Press Escape at any time before sending to cancel the message.
Saving email
If you want to keep any of your downloaded emails, you must save them using TR or T.
This is because, if you leave Email as Text Source and use CB to clear the Buffer, all your
emails will disappear.
When you elect to save emails, only the currently-selected email is saved as a single text
file. So if you wish to save all the emails, you will need to start at one end of the list of
emails, and save each one. Make sure you are in Pause Mode, and step through the list
with PT or NT, or or Numpad -, just as for reading. When you hear Auto-Lektor
speak the brief details of an email, that is the currently-selected email.
If you have not selected to type in the filename from the external keyboard, the filename
given to the file will be the first 20 characters from the Buffer. In the case of email, this can
produce strange results; we suggest that you go to the Email Menu using F1 before you
begin your transfer, and press F1 until you hear "enter filename from external keyboard",
and press F2 to confirm.
Next use DE or D to set the destination of the saved text, and then use TR or T to save the
selected email to your chosen source. If you then wish to save another email, use PT or
NT to step to that email, and press TR or T to save. Continue in this way until you have
saved all the emails you want.
Deleting unwanted emails
First you must select the message you want to delete. In Pause Mode, Use or
NT, and Numpad - or PT, to step through the messages. The status, sender and subject of
each message will be spoken. When you reach the message you want to delete, press F1
or F12 to enter the Email Menu, then F1 or F12 again to step through until you hear
"delete selected message". Press F2 or F12 to confirm. Auto-Lektor will say "selected
email message has been deleted".
Continue deleting messages until the buffer is empty, or until only the messages you wish
to save are remaining.
Now that you have read about connecting, read on to find out about using the
BraillePen Bluetooth Braille keyboard with your Auto-Lektor.