Read (RE)
Pressing RE causes Auto-Lektor to begin reading from beginning of the first page in the
Buffer. If there is no text in the Buffer, because you haven't scanned a document yet, Auto-
Lektor will say "Buffer is empty."
Once you begin reading, if you have more than one page of text in the Buffer, Auto-Lektor
will read it all in sequence. Any time you press RE after pausing, reading will begin again
at the top of the first page in the Buffer.
Change language (CL)
CL changes the language Auto-Lektor uses to read and recognise. Use this button
between scans or in Pause Mode, to change the recognition and reading language for the
next scan or for the rest of the current text.
Auto-Lektor can have multiple languages installed. This means that Auto-Lektor will
recognise and read the text in any of the languages that are installed on the device, and
the CL key allows you to choose from the list of installed languages.
Source (SR)
SR determines where the text is to come from, to be read. You have the choice of:
Black and white scanning;
Colour scanning;
C drive (the Auto-Lektor's hard drive);
Work folder (an area set aside on the C drive);
CD, for text files on the CD;
Pen drive, for text files on an external USB device;
RSS channel;
Once you have chosen a Source, the text will come from that source; for anything except a
scan, you will need to use PT and NT to choose a file or bookmark from a list. The Source
setting also determines which User Menu is available to you when you press F1.
Destination (DE)
DE determines where the text will be sent after pressing TR, the next button along this
row. Your choices are.
CD drive;
Pen drive;
C drive;
Working folder on the Auto-Lektor hard disk.
Transfer (TR)
sends the recognised text from the Buffer to the destination you have selected in DE. Auto-
Lektor will tell you if there is no text to be sent, and prompt you as needed.