NetWave DirectView Broadcast Console Operations & Technical Manual
Revision A
2 - Installation
Harris Broadcast
Figure 2-16. Console Display PCA Setup Switches and Connections
Note: For safety, touch the metal chassis to dissipate static before changing any switch or
connecting an ESE, SMPTE, or remote timer cable. Do not touch any components on the
meter-clock-timer or two-meter boards other than the setup switches and connector J4.
Clock Settings
Clock parameters are set using multi-switch DS4, located near the center of the meter-clock-timer board.
The default setting is OFF for all switches. (Unused switches 3 and 6 should always be set OFF.)
In autonomous mode (switches 2 and 5 both set OFF), the time can appear in 12-hour format (switch 4 set
to OFF) or 24-hour format (switch 4 set to ON). The switch 4 setting is ignored when a master clock signal is
connected to the clock and either switch 2 or switch 5 is set ON.
When an ESE TC-89 or TC-90 master clock is used, set switch 2 to ON. The ESE signal type is auto-
detected. When a SMPTE master clock is used, set switch 5 to ON. If both switches 2 and 5 are set ON, an
ESE signal takes priority.
Master Clock Connection
An adapter cable brings the Master Clock and Timer Reset pins (Figure 2-17) from J4 on the meter-clock-
timer board to a square four-pin Molex connector mounted on the rear connector panel. The NetWave
installation kit includes Molex crimp pins and the mating 4-pin housing.
Figure 2-17. Master Clock & Timer Reset Connections
The ESE or SMPTE master clock connection is polarity sensitive, even though either a balanced or an
unbalanced signal can be connected. The center conductor, or the + (high) signal, has to connect to pin 1
and the shield (or - (low) signal) has to connect to pin 2. No shield connection is required for a balanced
signal. To reset a studio event timer, connect its timer reset command input to pin 3 (timer reset out) and
connect the logic ground to pin 4.