opening polls
opening polls
You must open polls on the first day that voting will occur on that device. For
instructions on reopening polls on the second or subsequent day of multiple-day
voting events, see page 16.
Set up and power on the Verity Scan.
Confirm that you are running on AC
(see page 12).
Print Zero Report
If you are reopening polls during subsequent
days of a multiple-day voting event, then you will not
print a Zero report. See page 16.
Wait while the Zero report prints (on the built-in report printer). Using the
Zero report, check the following:
Verify the ballot count total on the Zero report is ZERO and enter it in the
Reconciliation Log.
Verify that the polling place on the report is correct.
IMPORTANT: If these items are incorrect, contact your elections office.
Verify that the clock in the bottom left corner of the screen displays the
correct time.
IMPORTANT: If the clock is incorrect, contact your elections office.