The HM 16-32 Film Magazine is an optional accessory.
Film wind on and off 6, 7
Wind on:
See ‘Film wind-on’ under Custom Options for a set-
ting choice.
Wind off:
When the last frame has been exposed, the film will
automatically be wound off. However, to wind off a film sooner,
press the film wind off button (fig. 6). Use a ballpoint pen or similar
to activate it. You must also confirm the message on the grip LCD
(fig. 7) before the film winds off.
Unloading a film
To remove a film, remove the film holder in the same manner
as when loading a film. Grip the exposed roll of film firmly and
remove. Ensure the paper backing is wound tightly and that it is
sealed with the band properly (the band may need to be mois-
tened to activate the adhesive depending on type). Store exposed
films away from strong light sources and contact with sharp
objects. Move the remaining empty spool to the take-up spool