Owner’s Manual
Rev AB February 2020
Battery Temperature
Defines the average operating battery temperature before the charge. It is recommended the
average electrolyte temperature be entered, especially in cold areas and when Opportunity
charging. If not in Cold profile ranges allowed from 60°F to 149°F. If in Cold range is 5°F to 50°F.
For selecting the right charging profile for the application. To set the correct profile the charger
will need to have the appropriate firmware loaded. If a Flex battery you will need to have
firmware FLEX-
VX.XX or if it’s a flooded battery you need to have PTOM3-VX.XX in the charger.
(verify X.XX is the latest available version if you are updating the charger)
To install firmware follow all steps below. If you have the
appropriate firmware installed already skip to step 8.
1. Insert flash drive in USB port with appropriate firmware
2. Enter password and go to USB menu.
3. Select Load Control FW.
4. Using the down arrow button, select firmware file from
the list on screen and hit Select button.
5. Firmware will automatically load at this point. Wait until
it finishes and splashes the Hawker startup screen
before removing the flash drive.
6. Reenter password.
7. Scroll down to Charger Prof. Config and select Profile.
8. Select Standard, Opportunity, or Cold. Or if the charger
is loaded with the Flex firmware the selectable profiles
are Flex Bloc and Flex Standard.
Charge Coefficient
Change setting for California Energy Commission compliant
chargers. Allowable range 1% to 9%. Should normally be at
Caution: This mode is for use by trained service technicians only. For instructions on
use see charger service manual.
Equalize Days
Select day or days of the week to equalize the battery. Any combination of one or more days
may be selected or none may be selected. Hit Enter next to day to be selected.
Delay Time Aft Chg
Sets the delay between the normal charge and the equalization charge from 0 to 24 Hrs.