Electronic components are sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). You must therefore
discharge your own static electricity before opening the device. We recommend wearing
an antistatic band (conductive wristband) and using a conductive base.
The required power supply is an extra-low voltage (max. 30 V
) with protective separa
tion from the mains.
Ground (GND) and shield wiring
Use shielded cables for the connecting cables to the transducers and interfaces. Connect
the shield fully to both sides of the housing of the devices or to metal connectors or met
alized connector housings, not to the measurement ground, GND or the power supply
0V. An example of cable shield, supply voltage and transducer wiring is shown in Fig. 6.1
on page 18. Adouble shielded cable is advantageous for improved EMC.
In this case, the cables for the supply voltage and digital I/Os only need to be shielded if
they are longer than 30 m or are routed outside closed buildings (as per EN 61326 1).
For connection, please ensure that the cable wires do not project beyond the connection
terminals (risk of short circuit) and do not lie on the amplifier board (risk of interference
coupling). The correct connection of the cable shield to the PG gland is described in sec
tion 6.2 on page 19.