As a square wave has an instantaneous transition by definition, it is not possible
to establish phase shifts smaller than a single sample period. A complex but
more accurate phase shift measurement uses a sine wave with a period time
that is ten times lower than the specified phase shift. Using a computed best fit
sine wave on both signals allows for the extraction of the sine waves phase at
point X of each trace. The difference between each calculated sine wave's
phase is the phase shift between channels.
Mainframe 1
Mainframe 2
Mainframe N
Figure 14.4:
Determining phase shift
Master/Slave and PTP are typically the best choices for phase synchronizing
multiple GEN series systems. PTP does not support trigger exchange and
should therefore typically be used when using the continuous recording user
mode within Perception.
Trigger synchronization
When in Single sweep, Multiple sweep, Slow
Fast Sweep or dual rate mode,
the second most important synchronization, after the channel to channel phase
match, is the trigger exchange. As sweeps are always initiated by a trigger, the
trigger point within each mainframe defines the start and end of the sweep
I3763-3.1 en HBM: public