● External Trigger Out:
The recorder trigger can be used to send a trigger
signal to the outside world. The output connector is placed on the
mainframe controller. Used to select active High or Low level output, all
input cards in the mainframe use the same output level. Each input card
can select whether to send the trigger to the external trigger output.
● System Trigger 1 through 3:
There are three internal trigger buses. They
are used to transfer recorder triggers and corresponding qualifiers from one
recorder to another. Each recorder can select to set its recorder trigger on
one or more lines. It can also pick up a trigger from one or more lines.
● System Trigger 3 extra functionality:
With the introduction of Perception
V6.70 real
time calculators and triggering on the calculated results is
Triggering on the output of the calculators requires more time as the
calculator first needs to calculate the signal before triggering on this
calculate signal can start.
To still allow sharing of calculated triggers between recorders System
Trigger 3 has been extended with an additional setting: Measured Signal
or Calculate signal trigger.
The power on default selection is: Measured Signal.
System trigger 3 operates as before transferring measured signal triggers.
Switching the selection to Calculate signal trigger disables the transfer of
measured signals and now only allows the transfer of the slower calculated
signal triggers.
Every recorder in the system is aware of the selection. When a trigger is
received on this line each recorder now knows how to correctly place the
trigger back in time at the correct point in time the signal met the trigger
The standard trigger delay when using calculated signal triggers is
100 ms. As triggers now are received 100 ms to late, each recorder
internally will use 100 ms additional pre
trigger. Once the delayed trigger
is received the software will compensate for this delay and use the proper
trigger time segment to extract the sweep within the extra pre
● Master/Slave:
Multiple mainframes can be synchronized by using the
Master/Slave function. When in use, a recorder can put the recorder trigger
on the Master/Slave trigger line and/or pick up the trigger from the Master/
Slave trigger line. When Master/Slave operation is not used, this line
functions just like the other three trigger lines.
I3763-3.1 en HBM: public