Receiving Unit of HDMI-C5IRB
Front Panel
+5V DC:
Connect to 5V DC power supply unit either at the Receiving Unit or the Transmitting Unit. Powered at
one end is enough to supply the whole extender set.
Connect a Cat-5/5e/6 cable to the AUDIO/VIDEO port on the Transmitting unit
Connect a Cat-5/5e/6 cable to the CONTROL CHANNEL port on the Transmitting unit
Rear Panel
IR Receiver:
3.5mm infrared socket for plugging in the extension cable of IR receiver
IR Blaster:
3.5mm infrared socket for plugging in the extension cable of IR blaster
Connects to a HDMI display or projector with a HDMI male-male cable
Signal Level:
Adjust the 8-level signal equalization control to the received HDMI signals. The HDMI signal level
varies from MAX (strongest) to MIN (weakest) for respective transmission length from longest possible range
to short distance. Dial the EQ from MIN to MAX and stop turning the rotary switch whenever the audio/video
is playing normally. Inappropriate signal level setting may cause overpowering issues that would shorten the
product's life significantly!