Hearing aids are wonderful electronic devices that
are fairly durable and easy to clean and take care of.
However, they can break down. The most common
causes are moisture and ear wax. There are a few
things that you can do to reduce problems.
To avoid moisture problems:
When you are not wearing your hearing aids,
keep the battery door open and keep the aids in
a dry place. There are hearing aid dryers that you
can purchase to reduce moisture problems. Our
Customer Service team or your provider can help
you. If you have internet access, another good
resource is
To avoid wax-related issues:
Refer to your user guide or the videos on our website
for more information
on how to clean the ear tubes and tips. Ask your
physician about wax management if there is an
excessive problem with wax, as it can cause multiple
repair issues.
If none of the above solves the problem, please call
Customer Service at 855-523-9355.