Care and cleaning
How to clean your Style Pro tubing and ear tip:
1. Gently remove the slim-tubing
from the hearing aid. (See pg. 7
for tubing removal instructions)
2. Insert the cleaning tool into the
triangular base at the end of the
3. Thread the cleaning tool all the way
through the slim-tubing and ear tip.
Purchase additional open-ear cleaning tools for only $5.00 each, item #89130.
Open the battery door when not wearing your hearing aid. Any moisture inside your hearing
aid can then evaporate, extending the life of your Style Pro. With the battery door open,
you can be assured your hearing aid is off and not squealing. A squealing aid can attract
pets which have been known to chew on hearing aids and damage them beyond repair.
Avoid extreme heat and cold when storing your hearing aid. Never place your hearing aid
in water. If your Style Pro becomes wet, immediately remove the battery and let it stand in
a dry place for several hours. Never use heat (blowdryer, oven, etc.) to dry your hearing
aid. Before applying hair spray, perfume or
cologne, be sure to remove your hearing aids.
Such sprays can damage hearing aids.
Questions, call toll-free: 1-800-221-2099