HearthStone Quality Home Heating Products Inc
STERLING Ht Gas-Fired Direct Vent heater
The Sterling requires minimal routine maintenance
and care. The unit should alway s be cool and off
when cleaned, or serviced.
Once a y ear the unit an d venting system should be
inspected by qualified service personnel to ensur e
that they are clean, prevent the accu mulation of dust,
lint and other debris, free of obstruction, safe and in
good working condition. To clean the firebox, set the
switch to the “OFF ” position, and turn off the gas at
the gas control valve.
When the unit is cool, remove the front cast and glass
assembly and carefully remove the decorative fiber
log set taking care not to damage the logs or chip the
enameled cast iron. Clean the em ber burner, and
carefully vacuum the entire surface of the log set.
Take care to thorou ghly vacuum the ports (holes) on
the top of t he ember burner. With the decorative
fiber logs o ut of the fir ebox, re-install the glass
assembly and briefly light the unit according to
lighting instructions
described on
Page 4
. Check to
ensure a flame is burnin g from each burner port.
Check the pilot. The pil ot flame should be large
enough to en gulf the t hermocouple and therm opile
Turn the unit off by setting the swit ch to
, and
turning off the gas control valve. Allow the unit to
Check and clean any bur ner ports that are not
burning, or not burning properly. Clean the b urner
ports using a soft brush or vacuum cleaner. Adjust
the pilot flame height if necessa ry. Complete the
cleaning procedure by carefully placing the log set
back in the firebox as described on in th e installation
of log set on page 17
Close and refa sten the glass
assembly and front cast. Turn on the gas, light the
unit and check for proper operation and correct fla me
WARNING! Do not use abrasives when
cleaning the glass.